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The Embodiment Project (Virtual)

The Embodiment Project 6-Week Virtual Course

April 6th & 7th 12:00-2:30PM EST

April 14th 8:00-9:30PM EST

April 20th & 21st 12:00-2:30PM EST

April 28th 8:00-9:30PM EST

May 4th & 5th 12:00-2:30PM EST

May 12th 8:00-9:30PM EST (Closing Ceremony)

Tuition: $1200

Location: Virtual

I created The Embodiment Project Group Healing Program, to address the 7 major collective traumas that we hold in our physical and energetic bodies as a result of being a member of the collective.  You will learn how to self-treat and how to create your own customized embodiment practice to support your healing. I will teach you new models that give language to concepts that many of us struggle with in our own self-practice, like how to feel for restrictions inside of your own body and how to let go with ease and grace.

The Embodiment Project is a balance of group-healing and customized 1:1 support.  I will walk you through step by step as you explore the physical restrictions and karmic holding patterns within your own body.  My course covers The Embodiment Codes: A series of 7 fascial connections that hold 7 major collective traumas in your own body.

You will have a much deeper understanding of how your body responds to stress and you will have the tools to manage your own body’s pain and emotional patterns after this program. By the end of this program, you will have the tools that you need to live an embodied life so that you are bring a more grounded sense of self into the work that you do as a healer, therapist or leader in your community.


Code 1: Rooting into Desire and Worthiness (The Pelvis)

Code 2: The Mother Wound (Pancreas, Quadratus Lumborum, Chest Tissue and Mesentery)

Code 3: What are you Holding? (Respiratory Diaphragm/Jaw)

Code 4: Integration (Dural Tube)

Code 5: Balance (Shoulders/Low Back)

Code 6: Healing your Truth (Piriformis/Neck)

Code 7: Receiving your Self-Mastery and Focus (The Knees)


The tools in this course emerge from my work as an Occupational Therapist, highly trained fascial specialist, my own personal embodiment journey, and years of deep inquiry into trauma-informed bodywork and observation.

Over our 6 weeks together, you’ll receive the following:

  • Three group healing sessions on the Embodiment Codes via Zoom 

  • Three Integration Circle sessions via Zoom

  • Guidance and training for over 20 self-treatment release techniques, postural alignment strategies, and functional exercise routines.

  • Unlimited access to over 20 self-treatment techniques, specialized resources for healing, and unique worksheets that you can use for your own healing practice and with your clients

  • New models for learning how to let go and connect deeper within and how to teach your clients to do the same

  • A community invested in their own embodiment, who meet regularly for study groups

August 25

Webinar: Grief through a PSIM lens