Phase 1: Transform Trauma

In phase 1, we use a combination of in-person and virtual work to clear trauma and distortions from the body/mind/spirit

Our in-person sessions include the following modalities:

Myofascial Release

Uses gentle-sustained pressure at the barrier of a fascial restriction. This method can create global change inside of the body and provide profound relief of a lifetime of pain and dysfunction.

Core Synchronism

Helpful for releasing the core trauma. Pain is the result of a body part (mental/emotional, etheric, physical) being out of synch with the core current and cerebral spinal fluid. Disharmonious motion causes friction that produces inflammation, which then results in pain or discomfort. By re-establishing synchronistic balance with the core current, cerebral spinal fluid and the dyssynchronistic body part harmony is restored to the organism thus breaking the pain-discomfort cycle.

Visceral Manipulation

Uses skilled palpation and release techniques to mobilize the fascia of the organs. This method often addresses the missing link in why someone is experiencing pain, postural misalignment and dysfunction and is employed when the source of pain is unknown. Often the pain is tethered to an organ and is undetectable.

Gillespie Approach

Uses the flow of cerebral spinal fluid and the fascial connections to gently unwind and release restrictions often associated with breastfeeding complications, reflux and torticollis in newborns.

Our 1:1 virtual sessions are designed to address the 7 major collective traumas that we hold in our physical and energetic bodies as a result of being a member of the collective.  These 7 collective traumas are known as The Embodiment Codes, which are listed below: 

  • Embodiment Code 1: Rooting into Desire and Worthiness

    This code releases the connections between the sacrum and the hip flexors. These regions store trauma associated with safety and security.

  • Embodiment Code 2: The Mother Wound

    This code releases left-sided structures, such as the pancreas and the descending colon, as well as structures associated with motherhood, such as the mesentery, the chest tissue, and the quadratus lumborum (aka “hip hiker muscles”). These regions store trauma associated with Letting Go of holding ourselves accountable for the actions of others as well as caregiver burden and abandonment.

  • Embodiment Code 3: What are you Holding?

    This code releases the connections between the respiratory diaphragm and the jaw. These regions store trauma associated with holding on to old agreements to the detriment of our well-being.

  • Embodiment Code 4: Integration

    This code releases midline structures along the dural tube, extending between the cranial bones and the tailbone. The dural tube is the first part to form when you were being created. These structures hold your records and, when trauma is released, they have the capability to help you integrate that which you already intuitively know. This code calibrates you to your “Yes” and your “No”.

  • Embodiment Code 5: Balance

    This code addresses the push-pull interplay between the shoulders and the low back, thereby helping the body to regain equilibrium and balance. Once we clear the trauma associated with this code, it becomes much easier to feel when we are out of balance.

  • Embodiment Code 6: Healing your Truth

    This code releases the connections between the neck and the piriformis muscle. The piriformis (aka “runner’s muscle”) is located in the pelvic floor. Tension in this muscle has a direct effect on tension in the neck on the same side. These regions of the body store trauma related to having our truth stifled by others or by ignoring our own truths.

  • Embodiment Code 7: Receive your Self-Mastery and Focus

    This code releases the structures of the knees. The knees are resilient hinge-joints with massive amount of blood, lymph, and nerve flow. These structures act as “holding tanks” for what we are waiting to say yes to. In this final code, we open up the muscles and the energetics of the knees and we ask to receive a great I AM message just for us. This code closes out the Embodiment Project and allows us to step in to our Self-Mastery and Focus over the coming weeks, months, and years.

In our virtual 1:1 work, you will learn how to self-treat and how to create your own customized embodiment practice to support your healing. I will teach you new models that give language to concepts that many of us struggle with in our own self-practice, like how to feel for restrictions inside of your own body and how to let go with ease and grace.

Here is what you do next:

Schedule a 20-minute call to discuss if our work is the right fit for you: